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COVID Recovery Services in Oregon - an Explainer

The state of Oregon has issued a lot of guidance on what schools are supposed to do to assist students with disabilities as they return to schooling in the 2021-22 school year. Many kids missed their IEP services, weren’t able to access online instruction, online/hybrid instruction wasn’t enough or appropriate to meet their needs, and/or were otherwise impacted by stressors during COVID.

School districts are required to consider whether each student in special education requires additional services and supports due to COVID school closures - they are calling these services “recovery services” and they would be in addition to whatever is already provided in the IEP.


  • Decisions about COVID recovery services are individual to the student - they are not a district-wide or school-wide policy or plan.

  • COVID recovery services are not the same as compensatory education, which is what is provided if the child is denied their free appropriate public education (FAPE).

  • Some students’ needs post-COVID will be sufficiently met by general education planning and supports.

  • Some students will need COVID recovery services in order to access the gen ed curriculum and FAPE.

  • The IEP team must consider the need for COVID recovery services at every initial IEP meeting and every IEP annual review meeting through 2022-23.

  • Decisions can be made earlier if requested by the parent.

  • Schools are supposed to reach out to notify parents about recovery services and get their input on the need for recovery services, but the law does not specify a timeframe. Therefore schools COULD wait until each IEP annual review during 2021-22, which could be as late as June 2022.

  • Schools must use a Recovery Services Review form (either the state template or developed by the district) to notify parents about the decision whether or not to provide recovery services.

  • It isn’t now or never - teams can always meet again to reconsider recovery services if the student’s needs change.

  • Recovery services may be provided outside of the typical school day - parent must accept or decline services outside of the school day. Teams should consider how to provide recovery services without changing LRE and having the student miss other instruction.

  • Teams will decide when to start recovery services and how long to provide them.

  • Parents must sign and date the Recovery Services Review form.

  • If the parent disagrees with the school recommendation, they would indicate as such on the Recovery Services Review form and request a meeting facilitated by the Oregon Department of Education.