Special Education Help for Oregon Families
I help families navigate school systems as a special education parent advocate - IEPs, Section 504, interventions, mediation, and dispute resolution. With my experience as a school psychologist I can help you understand your child’s rights, and collaborate with school staff to arrive at solutions.
Specializing in autism, ADHD, anxiety, and dyslexia.
“It was so helpful to have you review the IEP and really understand what’s in it for my son. The team treated me very differently this time compared to past meetings. Thank you so much for making a difference for our family.”
“Having you there, calm, positive, and strengths-based, really made me feel relaxed in this meeting. Thank you so much.”
“Paulette’s strengths lie in her ability to communicate calmly with anyone. Whether it was calming me down after a very frustrating meeting, or facing down an angry principal coming at her during a contentious Zoom meeting, Paulette always kept her cool and kept her eye on the prize, the best possible education for my very special son. ”